Printing on canvas

Printing on canvas

The canvas print is the reproduction of an image on a white canvas which itself is mounted on a wooden frame. It is possible to make an enlargement or a jumble of personal photographs. The size of the support is to choose. Your home will be so much more personal and your family will enjoy these very fashionable gifts.

Some photographers offer this kind of service in the shop. The market for printing on canvas is primarily developed on the internet.

The Print on Canvas and mounted on a wooden frame of high quality. This system offers an excellent rendering of the depth of your photo. You transform the way your own images of real objects Design, a breath of modernity to your home, your office etc.. This kind of result is not possible with simple printing posters with photographic paper or even paper art.

Unlike photographic printing paper or art paper large size prints on canvas offers a truly innovative solution, your photos are reproduced on our canvas and the size at the waist (XL) and the impact on the viewer.